We can make it work TOO – Youth Exchange

The youth exchange “We can make it work TOO: Financial Literacy for integrated groups” took place in Torre del Greco from October 1 to 9, 2022. It was organized by the YMCA Parthenope ONLUS under the Erasmus+ program with the support of the Agenzia Italiana per i Giovani. It directly involved 42 young people from Italy, Hungary, Spain, Turkey, Romania, Lithuania and Croatia. The themes were inclusion and financial literacy of young people with disabilities. Thanks to the willingness and hard work of everyone involved, we were able to brilliantly achieve the goals we had set for ourselves. One of the most successful activities was when the participants, divided into small groups, made a product, created a business plan and an advertising campaign. Below you will find videos of the advertisements they made and photos of the best moments of the exchange. Enjoy them and see you next time!

Product A: Joven!

Product B: Fun bag!

Product C: Kiss from the Ocean!